Incentive tours are one of the most effective ways to express gratitude to your customers, employees, distributors, dealers for their excellent work, to encourage and stimulate their best employees, this is a great opportunity to rally and motivate the working team and strengthen its team spirit.
Incentives will contribute to the development and prosperity of your company because it is:
– a reflection of the success of your company;
– a way to establish new business contacts, create long-term relationships;
– an opportunity to thank and reward their best employees;
– an opportunity to remind once again about your professionalism and reliability;
– part of the advertising company, because your employees are the best advertising.
Incentive programs – this is the very rare case when the pleasant is combined with the useful.
A prerequisite for a competitive incentive program is its fundamental difference from a standard tourist trip with the usual set of “excursions + rest”: they must capture and inspire participants, and the entire structure should be subordinated to the achievement of the goal set by the Customer.
At the beginning of work on the application, depending on the goals, budget and number of participants of the trip, we offer several general options that we submit to the potential customer. After the approval of one of the options where the main conditions of the trip are specified, we proceed to the detailed development of each item of the program. Have you thought about how to motivate your employees to work? How to make the goals of a particular employee coincide with the goals of the entire company? How to increase productivity, rally the team, encourage the best employees?
We have the answer for you. With the help of an incentive tour, you can combine business with pleasure, encourage new achievements in favour of your company and at the same time encourage good work.
What is the “incentive”? In short, these are corporate trips, the purpose of which is to stimulate your employees to work productively, impress business partners, strengthen the team spirit of your company’s team. Translated from English, “Incentive” is an incentive, and the day of our customers is a guaranteed movement forward to the success of the company.
Undoubtedly, bonuses, bonuses have a positive effect on the attitude of the employee to the company, but quickly begin to be taken for granted. While incentive contributes to the impact on the desire to work, to rally the team on an emotional level. The incentive is an active rest of business people in a team that allows you to hold a conference in an informal setting, enhance the atmosphere within the team, combine business with pleasure.
Incentive’s goals can be:
1. To encourage the best employees of the company.
2. Make a pleasant surprise to large partners and corporate clients, because the successful development of your company also depends on them.
3. To motivate the company’s team to high company performance indicators, to unite people not only with a common workplace but also with shared memories.
4. To hold a seminar, a conference in an informal setting, which will improve the qualifications of your employees, and at the same time will have a form of encouragement, especially if they go to such an event as the “chosen ones”.
5. Enhance the image of your company. Thanks to an encouraging corporate trip, you will show not only your employees but also partners and potential customers that EVERYTHING is important to you, including what kind of atmosphere prevails within the company. Therefore, you are ready to invest money in the incentive, realizing the benefits of such events.